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Campus Life & Community


住房、居住生活 & 餐饮服务 - (931) 221-7444
住房,居住生活 & 餐饮服务办公室提供了一个高品质的生活和 learning environment for students housed in the University residence hall and apartment system. Housing staff are responsible for the oversight and management of residence services, campus food services, residence hall facilities and educational programming. The staff provides many opportunities for the development and enhancement of human 人际关系技巧,个人价值体系和领导能力. 校内住宿包括 academic and personal support, convenient location, Public Safety patrol 24/7 and 住在宿舍的工作人员.

Resident students may also reside and participate in Living and Learning Communities, 哪些是为了连接学术和365bet而设计的. 学生应核对 网站查看当前学年可用的社区. 欲了解更多信息,请 拨打(931)221-7444或访问 w1i.ksxh.net/housing.

The University Residency Policy requires all single freshmen students younger than 21 years old not residing with their parents or legal guardians must reside in University 住宿和参加大学膳食计划. 所有21岁以下的新生 choose to live off campus will need to complete a Freshman Residency Webform and return it to Housing/Residence Life and 餐饮服务 no later than move-in day.

Student Life & Engagement - (931) 221-7431
学生生活办公室 & 参与(SLE)努力连接学术和课外 experiences through programming and leadership development creating a diverse and 互动式学习社区. 该部门赞助了许多项目,比如 as Family Weekend, Homecoming, Peaynk Week, Unity Celebration, Student Organization 领袖奖,以及多样性和意识项目. 领导项目 能满足每个学生的需要吗. 学生获得简历上有价值的经验 通过参与和领导经验. 申请、信息和日期 are on PeayLink, the engagement platform students use to connect to student organizations, 参与机会及活动. 办公室在摩根大学中心, Room 211.

SLE provides leadership development programs for students at all levels of experience and interest. 领导技能是雇主所需要的,也有助于企业的发展 成功学生的全面发展. SLE员工与学生、部门合作 and organizations all over campus on leadership skill building, communication skills, teamwork and personal development, and offer numerous opportunities to get students involved. 有关资料,请浏览 w1i.ksxh.net/student-life.



Fraternity & 女学生联谊会事务 - (931) 221-6840
Fraternity & 女学生联谊会事务 oversees and supports the social fraternities and sororities on campus and promotes an experience focused on academic achievement, student involvement, 社区服务和终身友谊. 个别分会选举官员 manage the day-to-day operations of the organization, and these officers are assisted by alumni whose organization offers support, advice and direction through paid professional 工作人员和地区志愿者. 每个兄弟会或姐妹会也要承担责任 by one of three governing councils: Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic 协会(NPHC)及学院泛希腊协会(Panhellenic). 金融义务 不同章节之间有所不同. 财务信息在招聘过程中共享 process.

365bet有零容忍的欺凌政策 这与田纳西州有关欺侮的法律是一致的. 如果你担心 欺侮,请与兄弟会联系 & 姐妹会事务办公室,电话:(931)221-6840 作机密报告.

The 学生会协会 (SGA) serves as the voice for all students and is the liaison between students and the faculty, staff and University administration. The SGA is composed of the executive board, senate and Student Tribunal (judicial board). Additionally, students are recommended by the SGA Executive Board to serve 在大学的多个常设委员会任职.

SGA参议院每年秋季学期指定五名新生当选. 应用程序 会在第一天上课的时候在WWW上发布吗.ksxh.net/sga. SGA每周在 4 p.m.周三,在摩根大学中心307室. 前10分钟 of every senate meeting are open to any/all students who have concerns or want to 请SGA就一个问题采取行动.

SGA还赞助每年举办的各种节目和活动. 其中包括:

让我们去睡觉吧! 田径运动是365bet的重要组成部分. NCAA分部 I program and member of the Ohio Valley Conference since 1963, Austin Peay fields 16 varsity programs which have compiled 43 regular-season championships and 26 tournament titles. Admission is free for all Clarksville campus students to all regular-season 具有有效Govs ID的home事件. 鼓励家庭跟随奥斯汀皮伊 Athletics social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@LetsGoPeay) for 最新资讯.