

As indicated in our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 (365bet) is committed to attracting, developing and retaining top talent in our region and 在高等教育中. 我们的分类和薪酬研究就是其中一项举措 建立基础,帮助我们实现“经验”的第三支柱 Austin Peay战略计划-员工体验. 了解薪酬是至关重要的 part of the employee experience, our goal is to offer a transparent and market-competitive 分类和薪酬结构使员工能够清楚地了解 大学里的工作机会,这些工作所需的技能, compensation levels, and ultimately, development tools to help employees build a long, 校园里富有成效和回报的职业.

A Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent out seeking proposals from qualified firms to 进行研究. 三名竞标者接受了人力资源工作人员和代表的面试 来自教职员工参议院. 我们很高兴地宣布365bet是合作伙伴 with Segal, a national consulting firm recognized for its work with hundreds of higher education institutions, to complete this important project to better align the university’s pay structure with salaries in the market and create a comprehensive compensation 策略. 在研究结束时,365bet将收到来自Segal的推荐 向我们的战略目标迈进一步.

We are excited to begin this project and appreciate your support and patience as we 开始这项重要的努力. 由于该项目预计将持续到2024年中期, 我们将通过定期更新让您了解进展情况. 与我们的顾问一起, we will be scheduling a few stakeholder meetings and virtual university-wide Town 大厅.



预计时间:2023年5 - 6月






责任人:人力资源办公室秘书, 类/薪酬委员会, 教师 咨询小组,高级领导团队



9月完成PDQ流程. 30.





最初的 薪酬分析 4月24日竣工.




Responsible Parties: Segal, 类/薪酬委员会, 教师谘询小组, Senior 领导 团队



责任人:人力资源办公室秘书, Office of Institutional Culture


2024年8月- 10月



  • 汉娜·艾伦,23财年参议院主席
  • Kristal Butts, Academic Assistant to the Chair of Sociology and Community Development
  • 特蕾莎·克拉彻,教务委员会
  • 方达·菲尔兹,人力资源总监
  • Anthony Roark,人力资源技术总监 & 操作
  • JaCenda D. 罗宾逊,助理副总裁 & CHRO
  • 佩里·斯坎伦,23财年教务委员会主席
  • 米歇尔·特纳,参议院工作人员
  • 杰夫·瓦格纳,维护和中心工厂主管
  • 丹妮尔·怀特塞德,法律事务副总裁 & 组织策略
  • 萨米·威廉姆斯,警察局长


  • 玛丽亚Cronley, 教务长兼学术事务高级副总裁
  • 塔克布朗, 高级副教务长和副校长
  • 普伦蒂斯·钱德勒,教育学院院长
  • 巴兹·胡恩,艺术学院院长 & 信
  • 丽莎·沙利文,化学系系主任
  • Amye Melton,管理和营销系主任
  • 马库斯·海斯,戏剧和舞蹈系主任
  • 玛莎·莱尔-冈加,政治学系主任 & 公共管理


A classification and compensation study looks at how 美国niversity defines and associates 从事类似或相关工作的工作. 分类研究的目的是 to review 美国niversity’s positions and the typical job duties each performs, and develop up-to-date job descriptions that are legally compliant, internally aligned and accurately reflect current roles, responsibilities, duties and qualifications 尽可能地说明职业发展和成长的途径. 利用 在最新的职位描述中,职位按“工作族”分类.

The compensation study will use market data to create pay ranges and the overall salary 结构(年代). 这项研究将考察相似职位的薪酬对比情况 to each other across the university (internal equity) and to similar positions at other universities, and the region and local markets from which we hire to ensure 薪酬水平是否具有竞争力(外部公平).


分类和薪酬研究经常使用外部专家. 这些 projects require a significant amount of time and effort and working with an external 坚定将使我们更有效地做这项工作. 外部合作伙伴也会带来 具有在其他机构从事类似项目的专业知识和经验. 办公室 人力资源部将非常积极地参与项目的各个阶段. 

Segal成立于1939年,是一家领先的人力资源和福利咨询公司. 独立的, privately held, and employee-owned, they have more than 1,000 employees throughout 美国.S. 和加拿大.

Segal’s work, ranging from human resources, retirement and health benefits consulting, to investment consulting and insurance, has a single goal: to provide trusted advice 这改善了人们的生活.

Segal will analyze data, develop drafts of job descriptions, and make recommendations 就薪酬结构和程序向大学提出意见. 最终变动将另行通知 by that work, but all final decisions will be made by 美国niversity in consultation 与利益相关者. 如有任何变动,将根据大学政策进行 以及任何适用的法规.

While it is premature to forecast the outcomes of the project, it is expected that 建议可能因角色而异. 这项研究将评估大学的竞争力 to the external market, depending on various factors – including region, sector and 工作类型. 该大学将评估最佳行动方案,以追求市场一致性, 根据研究结果,包括头衔和薪酬. 发生重大变化的地方 根据研究结果,大学致力于开展一项研究 与领导和员工对话. 任何由此产生的薪酬变动或薪酬等级建议 to better align our salaries to market and meet the evolving needs of 美国niversity 其有价值的员工将以一种对财政负责的方式被考虑 对阿卜苏.

This study will look at 美国niversity’s compensation levels compared to the marketplace 地区性的,公立高等教育的,在某些情况下是全国性的. 它将 提供关于我们的薪水比较的见解. 这些信息将有助于班级/公司 Committee develop a competitive compensation philosophy for consideration by university leadership that articulates 美国niversity’s 策略 and guiding principles for how 薪酬将进行长期管理. 一些雇员,而不是全部,可能会被重新分类 根据研究结果获得新的头衔和/或工资调整.

Salary compression occurs when a new hire earns close to or more than a current employee 有更多的责任和/或更多的服务年限. 分类与补偿 研究可能会包括帮助我们在未来避免压缩的过程. 个人 instances of compression, though, are not part of the study and will be addressed through HR and unit leaders on campus when they arise in a way that is fiscally responsible 对阿卜苏. 

Changes to an individual employee’s assigned job duties or responsibilities are not 这个项目的目标. 一些工作标题可能会被修改以使其更加一致 job families and more clearly represent the role’s expected and assigned responsibilities.

This project is not aimed at achieving job elimination or pay reductions, although we will assess the competitiveness of our compensation and staffing for all positions 这是项目的一部分.  该项目的目标是提供洞察力和信息 concerning our current job classification and compensation system and policies, and create create transparent pay structures to ensure we are able to attract, recruit, 培养和留住人才.

The process of designing the new system and making recommendations will take the rest 从今年(2023年)到2024年. 我们期待建议和执行 2024年期间正在讨论的战略.

人力资源办公室正在领导这个项目. 一个班级/薪酬委员会 是为了协助人力资源和西格尔的项目. 这个委员会 包括大学员工的横截面. 此外,西格尔还计划与他会面 with key stakeholders across 美国niversity to understand perspectives on the current approach to compensation and the desired future state of the classification and compensation 程序.

透明度是整个项目的指导原则. 你可以去班级/公司 研究网站查看有关研究的任何新闻更新. 你也会收到 通过电子邮件和其他通信渠道通知.g. thegovsaid,亲自说 会议、变焦会议、虚拟市政厅等. 为了我们创造清晰的目标 要做到这一点,我们需要所有员工的参与.  请分享 当信息在你各自的团队和同伴中可用时.

  • 一般的或自动的工资调整
  • 努力减少员工人数
  • 部门重组
  • 针对员工当前工作职责的绩效评估

This project will ensure a sustainable pay structure that is competitive with the market and across campus, provide a transparent job classification system and new compensation structure that attracts and retains top talent, rewards exceptional performance, and increases employee engagement by enabling employees to understand opportunities available for their growth and development, and provide employees with clear career 生长和潜在发展的途径

This project will better organize positions into logical job groupings to compare and ensure pay equity among positions with similar responsibilities more easily, provide greater clarity and efficiency of processes and administration of compensation, and 创建一个新的定义和透明的薪酬理念.